After reading about the Eight Values of Free Expression, I have come to the conclusion that the eighth one listed on Dr. Smith's blog is the value that resonates the most with me. This value is "Protect Dissent" and I strongly believe that it is the value our nation needs to pay the most attention to during this time. Our nation is so divided and we need to not only be brave enough to speak up when we do not agree about something, but to also have the mental capacity to listen and try to understand the other side; even if the conversation does not conclude in agreement on both ends.
The word "Dissent" means to have a difference in opinion or belief. Through what we have learned so far in Media Law & Literacy, America would not be here if everyone agreed all the time. Our nation was built on the notion that whoever came to live here could be whoever they wanted to be and believe whatever they wanted to believe. Unfortunately, in recent years, there is this social code we all have developed that has made us afraid to share many of our opinions, especially if they go against what is seen as politically correct depending on where you are in the U.S.
Now please know that I support being politically correct about racism, sexism, or homophobia. We should and actively fighting to maker sure these horrendous beliefs are no longer around. But I also believe that the fear of not being politically correct about democracy is wrong. Do you think our nation came to be because everyone agreed? NO! If we had agreed back then, we would all still be under English rule. Disagreeing can a beautiful thing.
In class we talked about the "formula for democracy". Which is; Limited Government + Enumerated Powers + Freedom Maximization = Ordered Freedom. Part of that ordered freedom is the right to criticize our government. In England, that was seen as a direct threat against the monarchy, not someones belief on whether or not it is totally normal for one nation to control almost the whole world.
Something that I have found in recent years is that there is no wiggle room to openly criticize the government without having "Well if you hate it here so much, leave!" thrown in your face. As Americans it is not only our duty to follow to the Constitution, but to uphold its dignity, which even sometimes means disagreeing with it. I believe that part of being an American, is being brave enough to say "I do not agree with xyz, because ...", that right is in our First Amendment.
After reading an article put out by npr, Dr. Khalil Muhammad makes an excellent point. They say that if we cannot question America, then we lose everything that our country stands for. A current day example I think of is Black Lives Matter Movement. This extremely powerful and overdue movement is an excellent example of using your voice as an American to openly disagree with the racist laws that were put in place long before our time. While I am not African American, nor do I face the horrific racism many in America face everyday, I will use my voice to say that something needs to be done to stop this systemic racism many face everyday. And I will hold the government responsible for fixing the damage they have done. I am a proud American, and I am proud to say that I will use my freedom of expression to dissent when it is necessary.
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