EOTO: Television
Many of us cannot even begin to imagine our lives without Television, I certainly cannot. It is a piece of technology that has seems to have been a part of our lives since the very beginning. But the truth is, this incredible technology is not even 100 years old yet. The modern electronic TV was invented in 1927 by Philo Taylor Farnsworth. His invention scanned beams of electrons into images, thus creating what we now know as modern Television.
Farnsworth was trying solve the problem of how slow the images on the screen by speeding them up. He achieved this through the electron beams. Television is now like an electronic flip-book because of the electronic beams. This created the images we can see on Television everyday. Farnsworth is credited with creating an invention that has undoubtedly changed the course of human history for all of mankind, but he was not alone in this venture. Many other scientists also get credit for the work they have done, such as John Logie Baird. He helped televise objects in motion, which added to the flip-book like creation Farnsworth worked on.
With the invention of Television, our world has definitely changed in ways many could not have thought possible until the 20th century. One of the largest ways our world has changed as a result of Television is our access to information. We can view world news, sporting events, and expand our general knowledge on the world as we know it. Television has not only created easier access to knowledge and world events, it has improved communication in extreme ways. Now we can communicate with people from all around the world on multiple platforms, making it easier to access world news and different people that would not usually be in our line of communication. While Television has definitely improved many parts of our day-to-day life, it also has many drawbacks and negative aspects that have taken a toll on our world.
Television had increased our access to many positive matters, but it has also exposed multiple generations to violence, inappropriate language and activities, drug and alcohol abuse, and disturbing images. Many blame the violence on Television for many issues in US society today, such as school shootings and glorification of crimes in many shows and movies. While these issues are important and need to be taken seriously, as a society we need to a better job of informing the youth that there are consequences for actions that incite violence. We need to be better all together in making our screens more of a positive place in general.
Overall, the invention of Television has changed our world in multiple ways. When this incredible creation became more common, communication with different parts of the world also did. As our world continues to grow and improve, Television is one of those things that we will be able to count on. Whether it's in our pockets, on our wall, or in a theater, Television will continue to connect and improve our world!